

Winnipeg, MB – The Winnipeg Blues have teamed up with  The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba to raise monetary donations that will provide comfort items for children who are in the hospital over the holidays. 

This year’s teddy bear toss will look a little different due to COVID-19.  The Blues are asking for monetary donations in lieu of a physical bear to help The Children’s Hospital Foundation safely purchase comfort items and toys for the children at HSC. Monetary donations will go towards items such as teddy bears, books, movies, blankets, and assorted toys.  For every $20 donated, one bear (or comfort item) will be purchased and given to a patient and each monetary donation receives a tax receipt.

“We are grateful to the Winnipeg Blues for their creative effort to find a way to help children in need of joy and happiness during these unprecedented times.” said Stefano Grande, President and CEO of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba.  

If you wish to participate in the 2020 Virtual Teddy Bear Toss please click on the link here to donate before December 11, 2020.


About Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba

The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba is dedicated to ensuring that every child treated at the HSC Winnipeg Children’s Hospital receives the best medical care possible. Since 1971, with incredible donor support, the Foundation has raised more than $100 million to improve the lives of sick and injured children from Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, and Nunavut. Funding supports important programs that bring comfort to sick children during difficult times, the purchase of life-saving equipment, and the advancement of pediatric health research that will improve the lives of children everywhere. Learn more about ways to help at goodbear.ca.

About the Winnipeg Blues

The Winnipeg Blues are one of 12 member clubs in the Manitoba Junior Hockey League (MJHL).  The Blues are one of two teams in the league who play out of Winnipeg.  The MJHL consists of Manitoba markets only and are proud members of the Canadian Junior Hockey League (CJHL).